Over the weekend of the 9th – 10th May 2015 some of our older Scouts took part in our annual Survival Camp. This year’s camp was organised by James Prisk as part of his Nights Away permit and was held at the Leslie Sell Activity centre in Bromham Bedfordshire. The Camp was based on a series of challenges and involved the Scouts not only preparing and cooking all their own meals but building a shelter for them to sleep in which meant bartering with Colonel Timothy for supplies with "NO REFUNDS". Some of the other challenges involved helping a wounded Scout get to site, purifying dirty water for drinking and lighting a fire without matches. There was some bad news when some Wombles out tiding up accidentally stole the Scouts lunches and they had to go “Underground” in their burrow to get it back. Whilst at the site the Scouts used the pioneering poles to build a bridge over a very wide and very deep river and made use of the on site indoor rifle range. During the weekend we had two visitors from Royston district, first was Stuart who came to assess and pass James for his permit (well done James). Our surprise second visitor was our DC Geoff who came just to see how good we are. Both went off very happy and complementing us on how good we camp. All in all the camp was a huge success and the Scouts will all gain some very well deserved badges. Well done to all the leaders on another brilliant camp. Thank you. Please enjoy the photos.